Millicent is 34 years of age and sells beverages for the last 10 years. She comes from Assin Fosu in the Assin South District of the Central Region of Ghana. Millicent is divorced. She has 1 child who is 17 years of age but currently not schooling due to financial challenge. She is the leader and group representative of God Is Wonderful group.
Millicent has been desirous to increase her household income to be able to have the capacity to look after her child in the higher educational level. As a business minded woman who always wanted to explore other business avenues, she decided to add Elsa stove distribution to her line of business, after she witnessed the community education on climate change and the introduction of Elsa stove to her community by Field Officers. Millicent has done the necessary market survey with a very promising results. Millicent and her group members are the only local distributors of Elsa stoves in their community.
Elsa Biochar clean cook stove is the only first Biomass stove developed in Ghana with the local people and by the local people. Due to the availability of the Elsa stove fuel, a waste material within their community and its environs, the demand for the stove is very high within their community and its surrounding villages. The stove uses palm kernel shells (virgin pellets) and pellets as fuel. The Elsa stove improves indoor air quality. Its helps in waste management and it is time saving as compared to the local stoves.
Millicent and her group members need micro loan to buy more stoves to meet the demand of their clients. Funding their loan will reduce deforestation, contribute towards addressing global warming and household indoor air pollution. Millicent and her group members thank all their Kiva micro lenders for their support.
In this group: Miilicent, Agnes, Bismark