A loan helped a member to buy materials such as cement, lime powder, and sand.

Tzanjuyu Jaibalito Group's story

Joaquin is a 45-year-old man, he is married and has a beautiful family of four children with ages between 13 and 19 years old. This family lives in the city of Sololá. In order to get his family ahead, Joaquin (the first one on the left) works as a day laborer and a tour guide. He has ten years of experience in this occupation, and thanks to his friendliness with other people, he never lacks work.

Joaquin has joined a group of people because he is in need of a loan to buy construction materials such as cement, lime powder, and sand to remodel his home. He is currently in very poor conditions, and what he wants is to give his family greater stability in their lives.

In this group: María, Joaquin, Angel

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer David Urry.

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