A loan helped to buy fertilizer, irrigation equipment, a machete, coffee roaster, pots and sacks.

Aracelly's story

María is 52 years old. She is a hard working, proud and gutsy farmer who has given birth to 8 children.She has brought all of them up on her farm where she has an income from growing coffee.Her responsibilities are not over yet; four of her children are still youngsters, one a teenage girl, and the other three live at home. María wants to continue with her business which provides for her children. Her goal is to take care of them and always have food on the table for them to eat. María is asking for a loan to buy the following supplies: fertilizer, irrigation equipment, a machete, a coffee roaster, bowls and sacks.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nic Couldrey.

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