A loan helped a member to purchase various fabrics.

Alimatou's Group's story

This five-woman group was created on 1st December 2008. It is made up of women who live in the same local area and who know each other through their communities and their professional networks.

Aminata, the leader of this group, is a 54-year-old married mother to three daughters. She is the woman sat with her hand raised to the left of the photo. She earns a living through selling various fabrics and has a lot of experience in this area.

With this 350,000 FCFA loan, she wants to purchase quantities of various fabrics which she will then resell in her local area. The profits she earns will allow her to pay for her children's food, as well as their school and health fees. She will also be able to strengthen her working capital and thereby continue to successfully run her business.

In this group: Alimatou, Ndeye Amy, Fatou, Magatte, Aminata

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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