A loan helped to buy pumps and sandals.

Bruno's story

Bruno is a dedicated and responsible 45-year old family man. He is married, and his wife runs a small diner. They have four children. The eldest, 23 years old, is already married, but the others are still dependent on their parents. The three younger children are 21, 18 and 10 years of age and attend university, high school, and primary school, respectively.

Bruno sells sandals and shoes produced in China. He is on his fourth loan with CEFOR. He launched this activity in 2000. He plans to keep expanding his business in order to improve his revenues, since his priority is to be able to finance his children's education. His family does not pay rent since they live in a house they inherited. Bruno is generous and adaptable. His goal is to build a house for his family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

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