A loan helped buy sugar, corn, and other supplies for his store.

Concepción's story

Concepciòn is from the city of Roque Gonzalez. He is 58 years old and single, and has no children. Now he lives with his brother, and together they run a small store in their home. Concepciòn owns his house, which he and his brother built together.

Since he was very young, Concepciòn has been independent. He never knew his father, and had to forgo many basic necessities in order to help his mother get ahead. He was not lucky enough to have children, but he lives with his younger brother and their mother, and together they are a family.

Concepciòn's income allows him to support his mother, who is now elderly. With this loan he'll buy sugar and corn.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Bishop.

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