A loan helped to buy seeds.

Mercy's story

Mercy is a simple worker who lives in the remote village of Kathegeri, Chuka, but has a life full of dreams, hopes and best wishes for her family. She has been in the farming business for 10 years! She makes a living farming and selling her produce, which includes milk, eggs, and crops at the local market. She also does some side hustle businesses for extra income.

Mercy spends most of her time pasturing her cows. Currently, though, she is facing a big challenge of transporting feed from the store to the animal shed.
Today, Mercy is seeking a loan to purchase seeds. Farm supplies are increasingly becoming expensive by the day. Farmers who seek cheaper sources end up buying "fake" seeds that either do not germinate or do not produce quality seeds. With your loan, Mercy can afford seeds for planting from recommended sources to ensure her crops grow healthy and productive.

Profits made from this harvest will be reinvested into the business for growth.

Kindly make a loan to this hardworking Kenyan woman!

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