A loan helped a member to buy silk and synthetic thread and embroidery floss.

Grupo Los Pinos Group's story

Antonia, 21, lives with her parents and siblings in a community in Sololá.

Antonia, who is first from the left in the photo, works hard every day to ensure that her family lacks for nothing. For ten years, she has been making traditional blouses. However, this does not bring in sufficient earnings, so she also has a business buying and selling vegetables.

Due to Antonia's years of experience, many people search her out and ask for her services. In an effort to improve her fabric quality, she has decided to apply for a loan to buy silk and synthetic thread and embroidery floss.

With this investment, she hopes to improve the quality of her earnings and continue to strengthen her business.

In this group: Antonia, María, Gloria Esperanza

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Amy Volz.

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