A loan helped a member to buy pesticides for her garden.

Kyandema Twetungure Group's story

Scovia is a hardworking married woman with four children, aged 9, 3, 15 and 18 years. All of her children attend school in Kamwenge, Uganda, where they live with their parents.

Scovia is a member of the Kyandema Twetungure Group, whose members guarantee each other to acquire loans. She grows crops as her main source of livelihood. Apart from that, she buys and sells fish to earn extra income. She started selling fish four years ago and works six days a week.

Scovia has a dream of educating all of her children. Her main challenge is bad weather, which leads to low output from her garden. She is requesting a loan to buy pesticides for her garden.

In this group: Scovia, Shiraji, Varantino, Robert, Specioza, Richard, Nathan, Vicent, Julius, Harriet, Evaristo, David, Rose, Chrisistom, David, Francis, Patrick, Gerald

Loan details

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