A loan helped to enable her husband to buy more items such as furniture, utensils, etc. for his hotel business.

Rubina Shaheen's story

Rubina Shaheen is 41 years old and is the mother of four children. She lives with her spouse and children in the area of Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Her husband is responsible for fulfilling the needs of the entire family. He owns a hotel, which he has been running for 12 years now to meet the family’s expenses.

Nowadays, Rubina’s husband wants to buy more assets and inventory items for his hotel, such as furniture, utensils, etc.; but due to insufficient financial means, her husband is unable to purchase these items he requires to earn an income.

Therefore, Rubina Shaheen has applied for a Kiva loan from its field partner BRAC Pakistan. With the help of this loan, Rubina’s husband can purchase the items he requires to earn an income.

Rubina and her family will be thankful to Kiva and field partner BRAC Pakistan for helping them by funding this loan to improve their living standard.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details