A loan helped a member to purchase more bags sugar, cartons of milk, etc for her business.

Changes Solidarity Group's story

Hawanatu is a member of Changes solidarity group (see group picture, Hawanatu stands in the middle). She sells provisions. Hawanatu has been selling provisions for the past 47 years. She uses proceeds of her business to pay for her children’s education and to provide livelihood for her family. She has been able to buy a piece of land from savings she made from her business.

Hawnatu and other group members of Changes solidarity group are requesting for their first loan. Hawanatu and her group members are in need of a loan of 6,000,000SLL. Of this amount, Hawanatu will personally receive 3,000,000SLL which she will use to purchase more bags sugar, cartons of milk, etc for her business.
Hawanatu is forty-seven years, married and has four children age 29, 25, 24 and 20 years old. Hawanatu hopes that her business continue to exist so that she can save enough money to build a dwelling house and educate her children well
Hawanatu and her group members thank you for financing their businesses

In this group: Hawanatu, Aminata, Fatmata

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details