Rosa Angelica is 38 years old and is single. She lives with her parents in the Morropón district in the Morropón province in the department of Piura in Peru. The majority of the inhabitants of this location earn a living in farming, trade, and cattle raising.
Rosa Angelica earns a living selling groceries, milk, sugar, rice, chifles [Peruvian snack], etc. and she has more than six years of experience in the industry. She is requesting a loan to invest in working capital and to buy merchandise: sodas, snacks, rice, sugar, Christmas cakes, cookies, and candies since the holidays are coming, and to refinance a cash debt to Palta and work with Edpyme Alternativa and to make home improvements.
Rosa Angelica is a current member of Edpyme Alternativa.
Translated from Spanish. View original language description.