A loan helped to buy seedlings and fertilizer.

Maria Lucena's story

Maria Lucena is already 45 years old, a married woman and blessed with 2 children; a member of Gata Daku MPC since June 2008, the coop classified her as a MIGS member (MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING).

She has a good reputation in Poblacion, Sinacaban Misamis Occidental. Her husband is a fisherman and it is hard to earn a regular income for this kind of job because it requires a good weather in order to catch big fishes. For this, Maria Lucena decided to help her husband to look for a business that can help her family survive the financial crisis. She made a garden & planted it with vegetables. She has to buy additional seedlings & fertilizer, in order to realize the plan, she went to Gata Daku MPC to borrow money amounting to P 16,000.00 and luckily she got the funds she needed.
In the near future, Maria Lucena and her husband plans to have a new pump boat to be used as a “rent a boat”.

Loan details

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