A loan helped a member to purchase used clothing wholesale to sell at street markets.

Triunfadoras Group's story

Lorenza is a 50-year-old woman who lives with her partner. She has three independent children, and a business selling second-hand clothing. She is persevering, enterprising and very friendly. Her business takes place at street fairs and commercial areas in the city center. Lorenza is short, has grey hair and is physically strong (she is the first person on the right, wearing blue trousers). Her mother tongue is Guaraní, and she speaks Spanish.

Her life is shared with her partner who works in the business, and they live in a brick room of their own construction which has all the basic services. The desire to improve her business led her to lead the entrepreneurship bank, and the businesses of the partners are: food sales, an automotive electrics workshop, cosmetics sales, a neighborhood shop, the sale of natural health products, milk sales, and interior house painting.

Her business is the sale of second-hand clothing, which she does by visiting fairs and open commercial areas and displaying the clothes, in the street, on a piece of plastic so that they don't touch the ground. "People who don't have very many economic resources can indulge at a low cost," she says.
The advantage of her business is that she can visit many customers, and the disadvantage is the lack of variety of clothes.

Her dream is to have a fixed stall to sell from, and she wants to buy second-hand clothing wholesale. This is the first sequence of loans with this institution in the two years since they started to do this activity, and it is for this reason that Lorenza has requested a loan to purchase used clothing wholesale to sell at street fairs.

In this group: Lorenza, Roxana Nieves, Aaron, Nora Ignacia, Nataly, Patricia, Alexander, Claudia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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