A loan helped a member to buy more clothing for sale.

Yinesongti - Pwalugu Group's story

Amina is a 47-year-old widow and a mother of four children. Amina lives with her children in Pwalugu, a community in the Upper East Region of Ghana. In the photo, Amina is the woman standing on the left holding a purse in the hand.

Amina belongs to an economically active group called Yinesongti - Pwalugu. Amina sells clothing at the local market and has a good customer base. She has been in the business for one and half decades. Amina has one employee who helps her to reach out to their many customers.

Amina and her group have applied for a business loan of GHC 13,100. Amina’s share of the loan is GHC 1,200 which would be used to buy more clothing for sale. Amina wants to maximize profit to pay off this loan and also provide her children with food.

Amina salutes her lenders for helping her to be a good mother to her children.

In this group: Ramatu, Nsomah, Ama, Abiba, Anasapoa, Baby, Adwoa, Alice, Teni, Amina, Lamisi, Doriz, Apognaba, Patience, Lamisi, Mary, Abena, Abaah, Theresa, Lariba, Teni, Abena, Atiani

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