A loan helped a member to buy organic fertilizer to boost crops yields so that she can buy school supplies and expand her farming business.

Chamroeurn's Group's story

Chamroeurn, 63, is a widowed mother of five children, two of whom are dependent. A child of hers is in school and needs her support. To make a living, she has been growing cassava and corn for 12 years. Lack of working capital and drought are main challenges to her farming business.
This former client has been with VisionFund for five cycle loans already and it has enabled her to get more income and upgrade her standard of living. Leading a group of three members to get loans, Chamroeurn will use her loan to buy organic fertilizer to boost crops yields. She hopes she will generate more income to expand her farming business and provide her school-aged child with enough school supplies.

In this group: Chamroeurn, Sophea, Voeng

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