A loan helped a member to buy and sell new clothing, such as trousers, skirts, dresses, shirts, shorts, children's clothing, bed clothes and more.

G.s. Las Estrellas (Nagarote) Group's story

The "Estrellas de Nagarote" group has three members, all single mothers with a combined total of six children all under the age of 18 years. The members area hard-working and want to do better in life. They all have different trades and each member is working hard to make their business prosper and to give their children better opportunities. The members want to achieve their goals and dreams, such as seeing their children learn a profession, and having a decent home to live in. From a very young age, the members decided to study and help their families by providing an income.

Thanks to her desire to move forward, Fatima is the coordinator of the group. She earns a living selling new clothing, such as trousers, skirts, dresses, shirts, shorts, children's clothing, bed clothes and more. Fatima works some eight hours per day selling her products. This loan will be used to invest in working capital, to stock up on merchandise to offer her customers better service and earn a higher income.

The "Estrellas de Nagarote" communal bank is grateful for the help Kiva lenders`provide to poor countries such as Nicragagua, and to those with little money who can now find a decent job.

In this group: Fatima Del Rosario, Maria Auxiliadora, Yessenia Vicenta

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

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