A loan helped a member to buy cooking oil, hardware, salt, wrappers and soap.

Nambasi Group's story

Catherine is 34 years old and married. Her husband runs a grocery store. She has four children.

Catherine owns a general store. She would like to use this loan to buy cooking oil, hardware, salt, wrappers and soap for her store. Three of her family members help with the daily activities of the business. Catherine started her business to be self employed and to provide food for her family.

Her future goals are to own a motor bike and to open another store in a neighboring village.

In this group: Agness, Catherine, Charity, Chrissy, Elina, Eluby, Enifa, Ethel, Gladys, Gladys, Jenifer, Lufinati, Magret, Magret, Marriam, Mary, Mary, Mercy, Patuma, Patuma, Shakila, Teleza

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