A loan helped a member to buy more supplies to make chicken feed to sell.

Paris Group's story

Hellen is in her early fifties and a widow with four children, one of whom is still in school while the other three are grown. She is also the leader of the Paris group whose five members are shown here. She has been making and selling chicken feed for two years now. She works from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily and is able to make a very good monthly profit.

This will be the first time Hellen has borrowed money from Kiva's field partner Tujijenge Tanzania. She will apportion this 6,500,000 TZS loan among her group members and use her share to buy more supplies to make chicken feed so as to meet her customers’ requirements. She hopes her feed sales will lead to an expansion of her business.

In this group: Hellen, Modesta, Rehema, Beatrice, Magreth

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details