A loan helped to purchase grape plants, joists, wire, and other supplies to grow grapes, bring his products to market, and generate better income.

Nivrado's story

Nivardo is an active, responsible and enterprising person who wants to start a grape growing business. Toward this goal, Nivardo participated in and passed a basic technical course in grape production. These courses are conducted under the agreement of Fautapo and Thaqu Thaqu CEA, the institutions that provide training and support for productive enterprises in the Mizque region.

Nivardo works in the morning as a music teacher, and in the afternoon he works farming carrots and onions. Since he was a boy, he has learned how to farm from his father. His father, Mr. Themis Tocles, has grape plantations, and that is how Nirvado became interested in taking on this business of growing grapes. For this reason, he will invest in purchasing grape plants, joists, wire, and other supplies for growing grapes.

This is Nivardo's idea and he excited about this project to produce grapes and bring his to product to market.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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