A loan helped a member to buy flour, yeast, milk, sugar and firewood.

Guadalupe Cote Group's story

The group called Guadalupe Cote formed in a small community of Mazahua origin, where the inhabitants are very friendly, smiling, and above all, hardworking. Said region is characterized by its principal economic activity, which is breeding animals and farming corn. Likewise, it is characterized by a handmade bread which is called "piojo" bread or "monte" bread.

Cristina is, perhaps, the happiest member of the group, without forgetting her hard-working and dedicated attitude towards the wellbeing of her family. She has been married to Juan for 20 years, and they have had seven children, two of whom are still in school. One is in elementary school and the other preschool.

Cris, as she is affectionately called, works preparing the traditional bread of her land. She remembers that since she was little her parents showed her this peculiar recipe. "I learned very quickly, as every day my parents showed me something new," she comments happily. After deciding to start a family, she started with said business to be able to straighten out her home expenses and, most importantly, her childrens' studies. Every Thursday she works at her oven. It is a long workday, from 6:00AM to 10:00PM, and the following day she goes out to sell her product in the capital.

By the same token, she is very grateful for the loan from VF Mexico, as when she started her business, she did not have an oven. After this blessing she managed to build the one she currently uses. With this new loan she would buy flour, yeast, sugar and firewood. In this way she would have sufficient production to satisfy the taste of her clients.

The other members of the group are Silvia, Araceli, Alejandro and Irene, who will invest in the making of traditional bread.

*The photo was taken in the business of Don Alejandro. Cristina is wearing the blue dress.

In this group: Silvia, Irene, Cristina, Araceli, Alejandro

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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