A loan helped a member to purchase plastic products to sell.

Integrantes De La Manzana Group's story

Integrantes de la Manzana is the name that this group has, made up of hard-working people whose objective is to improve their businesses. They all live in a small community which is full of friendly people who never hesitate to offer the best smile to people who come to visit.

Javier is one of the members who is characterized by always bringing friendly treatment and cheerfulness to everyone who knows him. He has been married to Araceli for six years and together they have made a family with two children who are students in the primary school. For 14 years, Javier has worked buying and selling plastic household products, for example buckets, clothespins, cords to hang clothing, cups, etc. In the same way, he is in charge of selling toys, clothing and linens. For him, any type of effort is important if it has to do with getting his family ahead. "But also because since I was little I saw how my parents went out to sell in other communities," he added. Currently, he works every day of the week except Wednesdays since on this day he spends all his time with his family.

On the other hand, he is very grateful for the loan that VF México granted him because thanks to it, his business has been able to prosper and with the earnings he was able to open a permanent sales space in addition to the sales that he does as a street vendor. Currently, Javier shows a significant improvement that benefits the whole family. So, with the opportunity of this new loan, he will purchase more products to meet the orders that his customers make day by day. One of his greatest dreams is to be the best salesman in his area so that his children can be proud of him.

The other members of the group are Itzayana and Catalina who will invest in a variety store, and Oscar in blender cups.

*The photo was taken on the steps of the municipal kiosk. Javier is the one wearing a red shirt.

In this group: Catalina, Oscar, Javier, Itzayana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details