A loan helped to buy more merchandise to stock up her shop.

Adelinda Cecilia's story

Tireless and hard-working Adelinda is divorced and has three children - Adriana, Nataly and Santiago - who all depend on her. Adelinda supports them unconditionally in every way possible.

Adelinda had to open a small shop 20 years ago as her husband never helped to look after the household. Every day Adelinda wakes up very early in order to work. She closes the shop at 10pm. When she started, she earned a litre of milk and five pieces of bread to feed her children but gradually she stocked up her business.

Adelinda needs this loan in order to buy more products and earn a higher income. With this income, Adelinda wants to cover her children's expenses as she wants them to continue in education.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

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