The committee named “San Cayetano 2” was formed as a result of several neighbors from the city of Santaní who joined together. All of the members have developed their own independent business activities, but they still help one another so that they can improve and grow.
Silveria is one of the members of this group. She has a garden where she plants all types of vegetables that she eventually sells. Silveria is a hardworking individual who strives to provide her family with everything that she was not able to have. She hopes that her family can avoid the hardships that she had to experience.
Silveria is requesting a loan so that she can invest in the purchase of seeds, compost, and other supplies. This will allow her to continue cultivating her crops just as before.
In this group: Estela, Maria, Marina, Geronima, Natalia, Nimia, Alejandra, Elida, Maria, Pabla, Odila, Maria, Blanca, Silveria, Maria, Vilma, Gloria, Eliana, Liliana, Lorena

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.