A loan helped to pay for a hammer mill engine to grind maize in her community.

Margress's story

Margress 56 lives in Kabwe District, Zambia with her family of ten. She is asking for a Kiva loan to buy an engine for a maize milling machine so that she can provide a milling service to 300 families in her community.

The maize milling machine takes raw maize (corn) and creates a maize flour which is the staple food in Zambia. Most rural families in Kabwe District grow maize on their small farms and store it and use it as their primary supply of food for the year. After the kernels are removed from the cob, they then have to be milled to create flour, which can then be boiled to make what is locally called Nshima.

Rent-to-Own has done market research in Margress community and has determined that the location for this equipment is good. The closest maize mill is about 5 km away, This means most potential customers have to travel about 5 km, and since most will walk or use their bicycles to travel to the maize mill, it is certain they will prefer to use this maize mill rather than traveling a longer distance.

Equipment such as a maize mill can be a major boost for many enterprising farmers such as Margress, as it allows for her to diversify her business. Unfortunately, the upfront costs of such a maize mill are very prohibitive. Once she secures a loan, Margress will be able to get an engine for a maize mill from Rent-to-Own, which will deliver the equipment, as well as provide training on how to use and maintain it. This loan will help Margress on the path to building up a viable business that can provide for her community throughout the year. It is for this reason Margress is asking Kiva lenders to help her with the loan so that she can secure a maize mill as soon as possible.

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