A loan helped to purchase building materials and a sewing machine.

Khusnoro's story

Khusnoro is a resident of the city of Dushanbe. She is 22 years old. She is married but does not yet have children. In Dushanbe, almost all young women work with sewing. Khusnoro also works with sewing women's clothing. She has been in this business for more than 6 years. She is an experienced seamstress. She likes the daily income from the sewing business, and she loves sewing and cutting.

Khusnoro has wanted to renovate her home for a long time. She does however not have enough financial resources for to do this. She decided to apply for a loan. With the loan she will purchase paint, wallpaper, chandeliers and construction materials. She has decided to use the remaining sum to purchase a sewing machine in order to improve her work process and the daily income. Khusnoro would like to live comfortably and cozily, as the other residents. She hopes for your support.

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Audhild A..

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