A loan helped to buy a solar energy system for a freezer that will help her to obtain better income in her business and to give better service to her clients.

Iris's story

Iris is 23 years old. She is a young mother from a very entrepreneurial family. She has 2 children and for the last 7 years she has earned a living in agriculture and ranching. She currently has a small business selling consumer products that has succeeded with her own efforts and the help of her husband, who lives out of the country and provides monthly for its growth.

In the community of Trujillo, Honduras, where Iris lives, there is no access to electric power. Therefore, she must keep the products that need refrigeration in refrigerators so that they do not spoil. This makes it very difficult for her since she has to be buying ice and gas to maintain the cold and go long distances to the closest community with energy access to acquire them.

For these reasons, Iris is asking Soluz Honduras for a loan to be able to acquire a solar power system for freezing. It will allow her to have savings from buying ice and to be able to better serve her community since she will have more variety of products, like meats, chicken, cold cuts, and sodas which further generate better income for her.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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