A loan helped to buy additional seasonal fruits to sell at her husband's fruit shop.

Shahida's story

Shahida is 47 and the mother of six children, living with her spouse and children in the area of Lahore, Pakistan. Her husband owns a fruit shop in a nearby town for many years. He offers seasonal and fresh fruits to his customers. He has been feeding his family through the income generated from this fruit shop.

Nowadays, the needs of his family suddenly increased and he does not have other resources to cope with these needs, so he decided to expand his current business. He wants to increase his stock on a daily basis so he can maximize sales of the fruit selling shop.

Therefore, Shahida has requested a loan from Kiva’s field partner, BRAC Pakistan, so that her husband can buy additional seasonal fruits to sell. Shahida thanks Kiva and its field partner, BRAC Pakistan.

Loan details

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