A loan helped a member to buy rice seed and fertilizer to enhance the crop that enable her to increase income to save for future needs.

Samang's Group's story

Sam Ang, who is a local farmer in Prey Chhor district of Kampong Cham province, Sam Ang is 49-year-old and a mother of two dependent children, one of whom is in school. To struggle her living, she is growing paddy rice since she was 18 years old and she spend her free time to work for others for a fee to get supplement income. Her crop has been destroyed by insect pests so she cannot earn good income recently.

Due to lacking of working capital, Sam Ang decides to take a new loan with VisionFund and this is the second time for her. The past one loan, provided her family enough household consumption. As the group leader of this new loan, she will use her portion of loan to buy rice seed and fertilizer to enrich the crop with nutrients. She hopes to earn more income to expand her current business and upgrade her living standard.

In this group: Samang, Chantho

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details