This group is called La Esperanza (Hope). It is in its cycle number 29 of the program of the women's committee. It is an old group that has been working through several cycles together. They are determined women, they are in the women's program and also in the poverty elimination program, where they work to be able to improve their living conditions.
One of the members is Juana, who through a lot of effort and continuous work, and through the sale of clothing she does, fights to be able to give her family a decent life and without deprivations. She strives so that her loved ones will not lack anything and they will not have to have any unmet needs as she did. She defines herself as a person who strives and who wants to get ahead.
She asks for this loan to buy a variety of clothing to continue with her sales. She wants to buy t-shirts, jeans, shirts, and other garments, and in this way continue with her sales.
They are grateful for the opportunity they receive to be able to keep growing.
In this group: Marcelina, Bernardina, Rogelia, Ceferina, Gladis, Juana, Sandra, Rogelia, Sixta, Juana, Rosa, Verenisse, Juana, Adriana, Johana, Nathalia, Isabel
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Orozco. View original language description.