A loan helped to pay for several bottles of "Life" products (health supplements) to sell.

Ma. Chona's story

Ma. Chona thanks Kiva and its supporters for previously granting her a loan which helped finance her direct selling business. Her income helped fund their daily needs and the schooling of her child. Being a single parent is a challenge but she faces it with courage and perseverance to secure her child's future.

She trusts that she can again avail herself of a loan of PHP 19,000 to buy more quantities of "Life" health supplement products to meet the advanced and increasing orders of her customers. Her pleasant disposition has earned her regular customers, and most of her clients have come through recommendation. Her neighbors, friends, family, and the local community are her base clients.

Her earnings cover their daily sustenance and help fund her child's high school education. Ma. Chona trusts that she will reap the fruits of her labor and gain more customers. She wants her child to finish her studies.

She faithfully meets up every week with her *co-fellowship members to share stories of her work and also to draw strength and inspiration from the Word of God she studies.

*All CCT community partners/clients are organized into fellowship groups that meet on a weekly basis. A fellowship group is composed of 15 to 30 community partners. The fellowship groups gather each week to study the Word of God, build social capital and repay microfinance loans.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details