A loan helped a member to be able to undergo an operation.

Maa Bramhanei Shg-C Group's story

Sumitra is a single mother who was abandoned by her partner five years ago, making her the sole guardian of her daughter. She has moved forward and wants to be a good person. Sumitra is a grocer by profession.

She was seized by illness, which impeded her regular work. She is looking for support to realize the operation that she needs. For the moment, she is only able to use painkillers, which bring her another kind of pain to the point to which she can no longer work normally. Her regular work activities and the care of her daughter are putting her in danger.

She, along with her group member, is asking for a loan amount of 30,000 INR to be able to undergo the operation, continue her normal activities, and be able to take care of her daughter, who wants to support her mother as much as possible. Sumitra feels that if her illness worsens, she will not be able to take care of her daughter, and she would not be able to find support from her family members, leaving her daughter all alone.

The lady standing to the left in a pink saree is Sumitra.

In this group: Saudamini, Sumitra

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