A loan helped to buy a few cattle.

Sayhon's story

Sayhon is a 50-year-old woman from the Pyandj region. She is married and the mother of three children. Her children are grown up, hard-working and independent. Her husband is also not a bad person. He is a caring and honest resident. Her husband works in home renovation in the area. Sayhon is a strong, active farmer. She rears domestic animals in the yard. Six years ago, Sayhon mastered her husband's business and decided to preserve this activity and follow in his footsteps. The income from the animal rearing business provides for her family. Sayhon loves to milk the cows and provide her family with dairy products. Now she has decided to take a loan, and use it to buy a few cattle. The requested loan will help her to achieve her goals. Sayhon will be very glad of your support.

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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