A loan helped to buy sand, cement, and paint in order to repair the walls of her house.

Ana Mariley's story

Ana, age 24, lives in her own house with her life partner and their two children. The youngest is two months, and the oldest is seven. She is a hard-working woman who earns a living caring for a ranch where she also provides domestic services. This helps her to have the necessities in her household.

With the previous loan that she requested she managed to repair part of her house. She is once again requesting a loan from FUSAI in order to buy sand, cement, and paint to repair the walls of her house. As can be seen, they are in very bad condition. She hopes for the quick approval of her loan so that she can start the improvement immediately. She wants to do this to see her house be more attractive and to provide her family with a decent home.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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