A loan helped a member to buy supplies for making traditional woven textiles to sell.

Grupo Solidario Trabajando Con Alegría Group's story

Trabajando Con Alegría [Working with Joy] Solidarity Group: Margarita is from the village of Pacorral in the Tecpán municipality of Guatemala. She is 43 years old, with five dependent children who are under her care. She works making traditional textiles by hand, and also farming.

She invested the loan that she received in buying supplies for her weavings because at times she can’t meet the orders people have given her, due to a lack of capital. She also bought seeds, fertilizers, and fungicides for her farming work. She also works sowing corn, beans, strawberries, peas, and tomatoes.

She dreams of expanding her business and offering a greater variety of woven textiles to her customers so that she can earn more and send her children to school. This would give them a a better future. She also wants to improve the house where she lives. She is asking for this loan to buy supplies for making traditional textiles, in order to sell them.

In this group: Rosa, Margarita, Maria Del Rosario

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Patton.

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