A loan helped a member to increase her capital and buy a large quantity of bananas to resell so she can make more money.

Ishaka Group's story

Céline belongs to the Ishaka III group and lives in Ngozi. She is 32 years old and married to Félix, a trader. She has been selling bananas for the past three years and is on her sixth loan from Turame. With the Kiva loan she is granted she is going to increase her capital and buy a large quantity of bananas to resell, so she can earn more money.

In this group: Augustin, Consolate, Céline, Concessa, Céline, Nicelate, Evelyne, Mélanie, Berthe, Gloriose, Hélménégilde, Colette, M. Rose, Cassilde, Odette, Anésie, Eugénie, Menedore, Flodorine, Léonie

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alison Le Bras.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details