Concilie is part of the Nshigikira group and lives in Gitega. She is 43 years old and is married to Moise, who is a shopkeeper. Together they havev 5 children between the ages of 7 and 19, all of whom are in school.
She has sold Primus industrial beer for 7 years.
This is her first loan with Turame. With the KIVA loan that she receives, she will increase her capital and buy a large amount of Primus industrial beer to sell so that she may earn more.
In the coming years, she would like to increase her capital.
In this group: Angèle, Venerande, Concilie, Godelieve, Tharcisse, Annociate, Goreth, Baptiste, Pascasie, Solange, Angelique, Rose, Chantal, Espérance, Reyane, Goreth, Sylvestre, Claude
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.