A loan helped a member to increase her capital and to buy a large amount of Primus industrial beer, which she will sell to earn more.

Nshigikira Group's story

Concilie is part of the Nshigikira group and lives in Gitega. She is 43 years old and is married to Moise, who is a shopkeeper. Together they havev 5 children between the ages of 7 and 19, all of whom are in school.

She has sold Primus industrial beer for 7 years.

This is her first loan with Turame. With the KIVA loan that she receives, she will increase her capital and buy a large amount of Primus industrial beer to sell so that she may earn more.

In the coming years, she would like to increase her capital.

In this group: Angèle, Venerande, Concilie, Godelieve, Tharcisse, Annociate, Goreth, Baptiste, Pascasie, Solange, Angelique, Rose, Chantal, Espérance, Reyane, Goreth, Sylvestre, Claude

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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