A loan helped to complete construction of his house.

Benon's story

Benon is a repeat customer of UGAFODE who benefitted from Kiva previously. He cannot thank the Kiva lenders enough for the previous support because he was able to roof and buy shutters for his house. He, however, was unable able to plaster it because of the high cost of the materials. He now needs another loan to buy paint cement, sand and paint to complete the house. With the completed house, Benon's household will be able to be accommodated well.

Benon is aged 35 years old and married with three children who all attend school. He operates a general merchandise mobile shop in Rukungiri town, which he operates on various market days in Rukungiri District. The major challenges he is facing are weather and competition since there are many people who deal in the same business.

Benon decided to apply for a loan so he does not have to affect his business cash flow by withdrawing money from it to finish his house. He hopes that with the available funds, he is going to have his business running smoothly and finish his house at the same time.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details