A loan helped a member to purchase farm inputs, such as seeds, that will help increase yields.

Patitapabani Bhinnakshyama Shg-B Group's story

The lady standing on the left-hand side in the photo is Mina, a member of Patitapabani Bhinnakshyama Shg-B. She is 26 years old, married, and blessed with one child. Her husband works as a taxi driver in a nearby town.

Mina does maize, bean, and potato farming on her small farm. She is grateful for Peoples Forum's training, which has enabled her to manage the enterprise well.

She, along with her fellow group member, is requesting a loan amount of 36,000 India rupees (INR). Mina will use her portion of the loan amount to purchase farm inputs such as seeds that will help increase yields, resulting in better income to enable her to support basic family needs such as education, Medicare and clothing. She is happy with Kiva and their lenders for their intervention and she promises to repay promptly.

In this group: Mina, Santosini

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details