A loan helped to pay for her set-up costs such as buying a trading trolley, a web-enabled phone, a cash box, and funds to serve customers.

Dainess's story

Dainess is one of seven children and is 28 years old. Dainess is requesting a Kiva loan so that she can start running her own business as a Zoona mobile money transfer agent. This means that she will be providing a service that allows people in her community to access financial services. She will earn a commission for every transaction that she makes. Dainess is determined to make her business a success. She explains that once she starts earning a reasonable profit, she would like to help her father, who is as pastor to educate her siblings.

When Dainess gets this loan, she will be able to pay for her set-up costs such as buying a trading trolley from which to operate her business, an internet-enabled phone, and other equipment that she needs in order to serve her customers. The loan will also be used as float: Float is money that Dainess will use to serve customers who come to her shop to send and receive money. Dainess sends a big thank you to all the Kiva lenders.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details