Turdugul has successfully repaid her previous loan having used it accordingly. She is grateful to Kiva and everyone who has helped her to raise funds. Currently she owns 14 cows and 10 sheep. On a 1,20 ha land lot she owns and an addition rented 1,0 ha lot, Turdugul cultivates beans and clover for sale. Her total monthly income amounts to 33,000 som (KGS).
To further develop her business, Turdugul requested a loan in the amount of 50,000 som (KGS) from the Bai Tushum Bank to buy fertilizers to apply it for land in order to cultivate environmentally friendly potatoes. Turdugul is planning to invest the borrowed money to expand her business, as well as to pay her daughter's university tuition.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.