A loan helped a member to buy rice, oil, beans, sugar, toilet paper, and detergent.

Del Valle Group's story

In a small community where the shadow of the trees blankets the residents during the day and the afternoon is pleasant for enjoying board games with the family--that's where a group was formed with the name Del Valle, because that's the name of the community. The members of the group are enterprising women who have started their own businesses: Guadalupe and Matilde, chicken; Karina, fruits and vegetables; Deysi, chicken, tamales, and gelatin; Fabiana, groceries; and Jamileth, shoes.

Fabiana is a member of the group. She's married to Martín. Fabi, as she's known, is the mother of two young men; the older one is 20 years old and the youngest is 17. She went to school up to the second year of elementary school, so she learns every day with her children as they do their homework.

Four years ago she started selling candy, for which she set up a table outside her house to display the sweets, Totis-brand snacks, chicharrones, and salsa. With her earnings she started to save so she could carry out her plans. When she got her first loan from VisionFund Mexico, she managed to make her plans a reality. She started with her grocery store, investing in shelves, a scale, rice, sugar, beans, soup, coffee, and milk. Little by little, supported by her earnings and the loans she has received, she has managed to increase her stock. She sells eggs, beans, sugar, rice, tuna, sardines, mayonnaise, light cream, milk, cheese, ham, and sausage.

The loans have changed Fabi's life because they have allowed her to earn more income. She hopes that soon she can build a store, because her merchandise is set up in her house in what used to be the living room. This time she'll invest the loan in buying rice, oil, beans, sugar, toilet paper, and detergent--the products in greatest demand among her customers.

"I'm happy about the success of my little store, about my family's unconditional support, and about the blessing God has given me. I thank those who make it possible for us to be granted loans." The group is grateful to VF Mexico and Kiva for every opportunity offered by additional loans.

They are the group members. Fabi is wearing a red blouse with brown pants.

In this group: Guadalupe, Karina, Matilde, Deysi, Fabiana, Jamileth

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

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