A loan helped to buy sand, cement, a flush toilet, steel, and other materials to build a septic system.

Met's story

Met, 52, lives in her own humble home made of daub and wattle in a small village in Bolangir district. She has lived there for a number of years with her husband and their two daughters, age 26 and 24, and their 19-year-old son. Met works as a restauranteur in the community, and provides quality service to a large customer base. This is how she has been able to support the household finances. Met is well known by her neighbors for being an honest and hardworking woman.

Met is requesting a loan of 15,000 INR from Kiva's partner Peoples Forum to buy sand, cement, a flush toilet, steel, and other materials to build a septic system so that she can provide her family with better hygiene. She hopes to be able to rely on this loan, because she wants to do this project as soon as possible so that she can provide her family with better living conditions.

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