A loan helped to buy the materials he needs to make his coffee plantation organic such as: organic fertiliser, coffee plants and other organic consumables.

Luis Fernando's story

Luis Fernando is a coffee grower. He is 40 years old and is married to Ángela Beatriz, He produces coffee under various different certification labels such as: Fairtrade and Rainforest. He sells his coffee through COCAFCAL. Luis Fernando has been producing coffee for over 20 years and has been working with certification labels for 5 years.

Luis Fernando has two dependent children and he believes that leaving them an inheritance is not enough, "leaving them a healthy planet is the best and most important legacy". He says that his greatest dream is that his children will be able to enjoy the goodness of the earth and that through it they will have the best opportunities, and be well prepared to make the most of them.

Producing organic coffee has become very popular right now in his region and such practices improve the quality of coffee. This makes it possible to get a better price for harvested crops as well as making farms more sustainable and environmentally friendly. This is why Luis Fernando has chosen to convert his farm to organic production. As pests have damaged his plantation, he has taken the opportunity to replant and undertake a certification process for his brand new plants.

Luis Fernando is requesting a loan to carry out the required work for gaining certification and to put new coffee plants in his plantation. With the profit from his coffee he hopes to have enough income to give his children a quality education. A loan would help Luis Fernando to start growing his coffee crop in line with environmentally friendly practices and it would also give him extra income to improve his family's quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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