A loan helped a member to buy wood for carving and polish for finishing.

Adom Wood Carvers Group's story

Veronica is 39 years of age. She is from Ajumako in the Ajumako District of the Central Region of Ghana.Veronica is the leader and group representative of Adom Wood Carvers. She is married with 3 children. All the 3 children are in school. Their ages are 4, 10 and 22.

Veronica is a wood carver with 15years of working experience. She sells her wood artifacts in the local market. She is aiming to expand her business by possessing a wholesale shop of wood artifact in the next 5 years. Veronica also grows plantain, maize and cassava as other source of income to support the family. She has been with the field partner for 2 years and has a good repayment records.

Veronica needs micro loan support to buy more wood for carving and polish for finishing. This will enable her meet the demand from tourist and local customers. Veronica planned to use part of the income generated from sales to support the husband to cater for their children and the remaining will be reinvested into her business. She thanks all her Kiva lenders for their kind financial support.

In this group: Veronica, Margaret, Margaret

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