A loan helped to buy water, sodas, juices and fishing materials.

Elena Teodora's story

The credit group "Para la ayuda de la mujer" gets together every 15 days in the canton Jaramijo, a place known for its beautiful beaches and where most people are hardworking and devoted to the sea. This is where Elena lives. She is 75 years old, married and mother of 12 children, 4 of whom passed away. The other 8 are adults and only one still lives at home. Her husband works in fishing.

Elena is a great mother and wife. She also runs a business at her house where she sells water, sodas, juices, ice, flavored ice that she makes and drinks. She shares the loan with her husband to be used in his fishing activity. He works with their children and leave for 1 or 2 days in their boat. Once they are back they sell the product to salesmen. She has run the business for over 10 years and his husband has been a fisherman all his life.

She will use the loan to buy water, sodas, juices and fishing materials. She has been with the group since the beginning and likes it because of the help it provides to get ahead. Her dream is to expand her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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