A loan helped a member to be able to pay for the ACE cook stove which will improve her life in terms of health, cost of fuel and the time she spends collecting firewood.

Mokotjo Group's story

Masebatli is a 42 year old mother of 4 children aged between 15 and 9 years. She lives in a brick hut that is not well ventilated, nor warms up well in winter. She and her husband work long hours to ensure there is enough food for their children, whom all go to school during the week and can only help in the field and looking after animals on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. She used to wake up very early between 3am and 4am during the week, to start preparing the fire for cooking breakfast, heating water and warming the house for all the children before they go to school because she could not afford any other means. However with selling her crops and livestock, she was then able to buy gas and replaced her means of cooking although this became very expensive. She found herself having to pay about R300 to R400 a month to have sufficient gas;money she hardly makes. Not only is gas expensive for Masebatli and many like her, but it is highly flammable and when inhaled can lead to lung diseases even death. Masebatli has requested a loan from Kiva lenders, in order to be able to purchase clean cook stoves which provide Masebatli and 9 other people from her village, who are living in the similar circumstances, the chance of cooking in a way that does not harm them and their families, and that does not require a lot of wood, which is hard to find in Lesotho, nor expensive paraffin and gas. This stove can be started with the use of very little, readily available biomass like dry twigs and dry cow dung that do not require lengths of time to collect. It does not produce smoke while burning, thus making it safe to be used inside the homes. This stove comes with a solar panel for charging the battery which runs the fan in the stove, a USB port for charging phones and a mini LED lamp. A life improving package for these people. This stove saves them time to be with their family, saves energy, eliminates the element of toxic inhalation, house burning and has given them the freedom to have a better lit home to see better in the evening while cooking and enables children to do their homework. For stove info please check www.africancleanenergy.com

In this group: Masebatli, Koaesa, Mampotla, Seitebatso, Maseitebatso, Mahlatsa, Mammereki, Libokanyo, Maphuthi, Tapa

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