A loan helped to start her business by purchasing a small trading kiosk and a basic web-enabled phone, and to have the funds needed to serve people in her community.

Clara's story

Clara is a 25-year-old secondary school certificate-holder, newlywed from Blantyre. At age 10, she lost her father. Living with her single mum with five other siblings made life very difficult growing up. With no money, no shoes and clothes, survival was very difficult. This did not discourage her from being focused, as her mother constantly encouraged her. Clara has the desire to want to grow and develop with every opportunity she gets.

Clara has successfully completed training with Zoona to start running her own business as a Zoona mobile money transfer agent in Kasungu. This means that Clara will offer the service of mobile money transfers in her community and earn a profit for every transaction that she makes. The prospect of running her own business excited Clara, and she believes that it will help her achieve and provide for her family and reduce the levels of poverty. She hopes the business will also make it easier for her community members to be able to send and receive money from far away.

Her dreams for the future are to have more Zoona business outlets and manage people. Hopefully one day, with this determination, she will have a diploma in business management, have her own land, and build a house.

When Clara receives the loan, she will be able to start her business by purchasing a small trading kiosk and a basic web-enabled phone, which she will use to make transactions, and to have the funds needed to serve the people in her community who need to access financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details