A loan helped to expand her garden and grow more seasonal fruits.

Fatma's story

Fatma is a 59-year-old IDP. She is a married and lives with her family in an IDP settlement. The husband helps his wife earning money as a laborer. Fatma is raising fruits and vegetables in her garden and sells them at a local bazaar. That is Fatma’s business, and she has working in this area for 25 years. Her monthly income is 230AZN.

People prefer to buy fruits and vegetables from private gardens, because they are naturally raised and cheaper. People know that such products are always fresh and healthy; they are not grown with different pesticides and not harmful. During long years of experience, Fatma was taught how to cover customer`s demands. So, selling fruits and vegetables from houses is popular and cheaper for people to buy them in bazaars than in big markets.

Her income doesn’t allow covering all the demands. She is planning to expand her garden and grow more seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Fatma wants her sons to get married and have a good life. She applied for 1,500AZN.

Loan details

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