A loan helped to purchase corn and firewood for her business.

Suyapa Concepcion's story

Suyapa is 45 years old and married. She has two adult children. She lives in her house located in the city of Nacaome Valle in the South of Honduras. For 21 years, she has made a living through her business of selling tortillas. She sells the tortillas both from her home and as a street vendor at the market.

Suyapa is an entrepreneurial woman who has worked hard for many years to help her family move forward. She gets up very early to wash and grind the corn in order to make her delicious, handmade tortillas and then sell them to her neighbors and the people who visit the market each day.

Suyapa is requesting the loan for the purchase of corn and firewood. With the support of this loan, she hopes to stock and improve her business and home. Her dream is to remodel her house, as she is beginning to construct a new one next to her house.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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